

A pattern is a very general term for just about anything you might think of. Actually, the word thought is a rather good equivalent. We tend to think of a pattern as richer in possible content than thoughts, which is why I prefer to use pattern.

A pattern may be compared to a two-dimensional image, where both the ‘shape’ and the ‘depth’ of the image are important. Any point in the pattern can have more than one color, and will often have a range of colors contained in it.

Everything is a thought: your physical reality, your beliefs, your emotions. Resonance is the dynamical interaction between patterns.

Revised: 16 Jan 2001

Referenced by: Emotions Expression

All concepts: Action Action Patterns Beliefs Concepts Consciousness Creation Dreams Emotions Entities Experience Expression Fear Identity Impulses Individuality Intent Kosmos Love Loving technology Memory Mental physics Moment Points Natural Laws Patterns Physical Reality Planes Quantum physics Resonance Specialization Thought Forms Time Units of Consciousness Universal Laws