Consciousness is a fundamental and basic aspect of the Kosmos. Its main action is one of organizing information into the most diverse forms. The example most familiar to us is the human mind. There are few limitations, if any, to what the human mind can create: from computer programs that contain millions of lines of code to abstract mathematical concepts to grand scenes and landscapes.
Some of these patterns are easily brought into physical form. Others are more difficult to produce - as any artist or programmer will testify. The fundamental process is the same in all cases, however.
Physical reality emerges as one possible plane or system to organize the universal patterns that underlie it. Many other systems are possible, and the range of possible patterns is literally infinite. We believe they are all accessible, in principle, to the human mind.
Because physical reality emerges out of conscious expression, consciousness itself cannot be completely understood from within a purely physical framework.
Revised: 29 Mar 2001
Referenced by: Creation Emotions Experience Expression Mental physics Physical Reality Quantum physics Thought Forms
All concepts: Action Action Patterns Beliefs Concepts Consciousness Creation Dreams Emotions Entities Experience Expression Fear Identity Impulses Individuality Intent Kosmos Love Loving technology Memory Mental physics Moment Points Natural Laws Patterns Physical Reality Planes Quantum physics Resonance Specialization Thought Forms Time Units of Consciousness Universal Laws