
Quantum physics

Quantum physics is probably the greatest scientific innovation of the 20th century.

For some time now, quantum physicists are running into a wall as they continue to try to define and explain consciousness in terms of physical processes. It’s the other way around.

Several important experiments tell us something about the nature of reality. The famous two-slit experiment tells us more about probabilities. The delayed choice experiment shows how the past is created in the present, and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment tells us all about entanglement.

Revised: 16 Jan 2001

Referenced by: Mental physics Physical Reality

All concepts: Action Action Patterns Beliefs Concepts Consciousness Creation Dreams Emotions Entities Experience Expression Fear Identity Impulses Individuality Intent Kosmos Love Loving technology Memory Mental physics Moment Points Natural Laws Patterns Physical Reality Planes Quantum physics Resonance Specialization Thought Forms Time Units of Consciousness Universal Laws