
Physical Reality

Physical reality is a thought representing the direct experience of a 3-dimensional world. It is the most outer layer of our experience.

An accurate description of events as they present themselves within physical reality is given by quantum physics.

We encounter difficulties when we attempt to explain concepts that operate mostly outside of physical reality, such as consciousness, and the units of consciousness that are the fundamental building blocks for all realities.

Our experience of physical reality appears at first sight to be single-valued. Closer examination reveals that every experience spans many possibilities.

Revised: 16 Jan 2001

Referenced by: Beliefs Consciousness Emotions Expression Impulses Patterns Resonance

All concepts: Action Action Patterns Beliefs Concepts Consciousness Creation Dreams Emotions Entities Experience Expression Fear Identity Impulses Individuality Intent Kosmos Love Loving technology Memory Mental physics Moment Points Natural Laws Patterns Physical Reality Planes Quantum physics Resonance Specialization Thought Forms Time Units of Consciousness Universal Laws