
Loving technology

Loving technology is technology in harmony with all of Nature. It is the result of developing the insights of mental physics into practical tools.

The essential concept that makes loving technology work is resonance. By carefully aligning subjective experience with objective (physical) reality, both can be optimized.

The simplest example is the human body, where happiness and sadness are expressed by certain body positions. Conversely, assuming a certain body position will lead a person to experience the connected emotions.

This idea can be extended to other elements in physical reality, such as crystals and energy fields.

Revised: 16 Jan 2001

Referenced by: Mental physics

All concepts: Action Action Patterns Beliefs Concepts Consciousness Creation Dreams Emotions Entities Experience Expression Fear Identity Impulses Individuality Intent Kosmos Love Loving technology Memory Mental physics Moment Points Natural Laws Patterns Physical Reality Planes Quantum physics Resonance Specialization Thought Forms Time Units of Consciousness Universal Laws