Consciousness and Metaphysics
- Assumptions In Science Assumptions play a central role in science. Care should be taken to not let assumptions turn into self-evident truths.
Metaphysics and Consciousness
Here I have combined some of my writing on the topics of metaphysics, consciousness studies, the theory of mind.
Beyond the Whole Even so-called holistic theories fail to capture the full extent of the complimentarity between parts and wholes.
Reversing the Causal Arrow A possible explanation for our struggles with the apparent distinction between the objective and the subjective.
Altered States and the Brain In response to an article on an induced out-of-body sensations, I discuss an alternative explanation for OBE’s and other altered states of consciousness.
The Brain, Emotions, and Consciousness A continuation of the previous article, that deals with the more metaphysical aspects.
Unquestioned Assumptions Even though their acceptance is almost universal in the scientific community - at least officially - there is very little evidence to support them. What if they aren’t true?
The Primacy of Consciousness It is more logical that matter is a product of consciousness than the other way around.
Assumptions In Science Assumptions play a central role in science. Care should be taken to not let assumptions turn into self-evident truths.